Saturday, November 06, 2004

Gallery of toys made in China

This is a cool picture gallery of toys in an art installation...
The idea was to cover a gallery or museum wall with thin metal sheets and then attach the magnetized toys. The magnets are a practical solution to allow me to move the toys around the walls and give me flexibility in the way I build the installation.

Public Service Publisher anyone?

UK's OFCOM is toying with the idea to have a Public Service Publisher. Just like the BBC produced Public Service Broadcast programmes, this PSP will produce books and literature with public service in mind. Now, isn't that a great chance to use the Creative Commons license?

Friday, November 05, 2004

Catholic sex guide

What else is there to say about this... does sexual behaviour really need theological justification?
A Vatican-sanctioned sex guide is encouraging churchgoers to make love more often in an effort to offset "impotence and frigidity" and address papal concerns over declining birth-rates among Italian Roman Catholics.
Another chapter likely to raise eyebrows unearths theological justification for post-coital masturbation for women who fail to achieve orgasm during intercourse.