Wednesday, May 24, 2006

yWriter: Word Processor for Authors

If you are planning to write that great novel that's in your head, you'll need some writers tool. Word is a good processor but it may not help you to organise your thoughts, writing fragments, etc. In comes this software called yWriter. It's suppose to be a word processor that's specifically a story writing software. Here's what the developer of this tool has to say:

I'm a programmer and a novelist, and yWriter is the result of 3 or 4 years of development. I really struggled over my first novel because I wrote whole slabs of text into a great big word processor file and tried to make sense of the whole thing at once. I then tried saving each chapter to individual files with great long descriptive filenames, but moving scenes around was a nuisance and I couldn't get an overview of the whole thing (or easily search for one word amongst 32 files) In the end I realised a dedicated program was the way to go, and yWriter is the result. It may look simple, but as the author of three books written with this tool I can guarantee it has everything needed to get a first draft together.

Best of all, yWriter is free.
Yes, check out that last bit, it's free. Too bad it's only for Windows.

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