Monday, March 25, 2019

Outer Ritual Chamber

With Sonnet in the party, the investigation on the ‘Gloom’ continues.

In the City, the party saw a Harrower who deals with disreputable goods. The chance to get some interesting items was too good to pass up, and the party decided to deal, gaining a random item design but losing 1 reputation.

On the journey to the Outer Ritual Chamber, they came across what looks like circus whose wagons were stuck in mud after a heavy rain. It is a chance to help and the Quatryl who looks like the ringmaster is grateful. Don’t think it’s the last the party will see of him though.

The Outer Chamber is tough to beat. The first attempt ended in a failure because once the Cultists started summoning Living Bones, it was really game over. It was tough dealing with so many enemies.

The party decided to go for a second attempt and they were luckier, but it was still a tough game.

As the Cultists closed on the party, the hope is really that they don’t summon any Living Bones. At the same time, the party focused on getting rid of the Cultists first.

Luck was on their side this time. The Cultists did not summon the skeletons, and the party manage to whittle the enemies down.

After that, it was a matter of clearing the two locked rooms.

Opening the first locked room saw the appearance of Night Demons. But it was not too difficult. While Sonnet was eventually exhausted in the room, Weaver summoned the Burning Avatar for help. Sonnet also managed to grab the treasure before retiring.

Meanwhile, Cray rushed to the other locked room to face some Sun Demons. He had to handle the enemies on his own until Weaver and the Burning Avatar was able to reach him to help.

With the arrival of the two allies, Cray was saved. Weaver casted Cold Fire to take out two of the Sun Demons.

Cray’s final move of this scenario was throwing a Massive Boulder at the remaining Elite Sun Demon. Mission accomplished.

- Cray leveled up to 5, he also did an enhancement which added to his personal quest.

- Sonnet leveled up to 4

 Time to head into the Sanctuary of Gloom to find out what this Gloom is all about.

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