Thursday, August 05, 2004

No NS due to Internet Addiction?

Can this be a joke? Reuters is reporting that some folks in Finland manage to get out of doing National Service due to a condition known as 'Internet Addiction'. It sounds too amazing to be true, but one never knows. If only we can get out of doing our National Duty the same way here.
A number of Finnish conscripts have been excused their full term of military service because they are addicted to the Internet, the Finnish Defense Forces said Tuesday.

Doctors have found the young men miss their computers too much to cope with their compulsory six months in the forces.

"For people who play (Internet) games all night and don't have any friends, don't have any hobbies, to come into the army is a very big shock," said Commander-Captain Jyrki Kivela at the military conscription unit.

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