Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Is EA evil?

Is Electronic Arts evil? Some people think they are. First, there's the bad publicity they got with the bad working conditions in the company. Now, there's the news that EA and NFL has signed an exclusive five-year deal, thus preventing other NHL football games to be made. This has led to Take-Two, publisher of the better ESPN football game to say that it's "a tremendous disservice to the consumers and sports fans whose funds ultimately support the NFL, by limiting their choices, curbing creativity and almost certainly leading to higher game prices." Even analysts are saying that "EA is both evil and really smart." So for those EA employees who're unhappy with EA and their evil-ness, they can now wear their frustration with this T-shirt that reads: "I worked 90 hours a week for EA, and I didn't even get this lousy T-Shirt."

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