Monday, December 27, 2004

Star Wars-a "horrible" Christmas album

If you're a Star Wars geek, then maybe you can stand going through this Star Wars Christmas albums. You can listen to the album "Christmas in the Stars" and laugh, and be thankful that Ep I and II are not as bad. The author of this website has this to say about this album.
After listening to a mere 30 seconds of this thing, the only thought going through your head is: "WHY? WHY!? WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?!?!?!?" And there's no reprieve. You'll never have a decent answer to that question. If you think "Episode I" and "Episode II" have forever tainted the good memories of our childhood Star Wars films, then this album takes it one step further. This album will make you feel like not only does Star Wars suck, but that Star Wars is an evil force that raped your mind... and your family.

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