Friday, June 15, 2007

News on the game Rock Band

Guitar Hero rocks! So it's with great excitement when I read the new information about the game Rock Band which extends Guitar Hero to a full band. If you love Guitar Hero, and is wondering how the hell a game will handle four players with each playing one instrument, read this post on the NeoGAF forum with info taken from Game Informer. Some of the interesting gameplay elements include:

- Guitars and Bass now have 10 frets. 5 for the regular sections of the game and 5 for the newly designated solo sections.

- Drums are apparently insane. You use actual sticks and hit one of four colored pads in front of you, in addition to a kick pedal attached to the drumming unit. Drummers will also have the ability to do fills etc. in their own little free-form section, do well and you'll trigger the drummers version of star power.

- If all bandmates can reach the end of a song, you'll be greeted with one huge free-form jam session.

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