Saturday, November 24, 2018

Beaten in the Inox Encampment

Tinder the Tinkerer has joined the party. His dream is to join the Merchant Class, hoping to gather enough treasure and open up a shop when he retires. For now, he adventures with the Solo Bunch.

In Gloomhaven, the party helped to repel an attack, gaining some experience in the process.

But on the journey to Dagger Forest, Tinder found a puppy and decided to bring it back to Gloomhaven to find a home. Too bad that this caused him to be distracted during his adventure with additional negative Attack Modifiers added into his deck.

Everything went quite well, until the untimely exhaustion of Weaver. Leaving the 2 remaining heroes to battle the scenario. This scenario is tough for two reasons:
- The spawning Inox Guards coming from the cave right at the back.
- Having to kill 15 enemies for completion of the scenario.

I think if Weaver had not left the battlefield so early on, the party may have had a chance at success.

With only two heroes in play, the party had to think of some interesting strategy to deal with the obstacles ahead. So using the Summoned Decoy, the trap  leading into the cave was disabled, clearing the way for Brutus to enter.

Brutus was able to move quickly into the cave, and pushed the Inox Shaman into the trap set by Tinder for a quick kill.

The party was very close to succeeding. Very very close. Only one enemy left, but they eventually ran out of steam. Brutus was too far away to help to defeat the remaining Inox Shaman, and so here ends the scenario.

The good thing is that Brutus has gained enough XP to head back to Gloomhaven to get some rest and to level up. 


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