Sunday, November 25, 2018

Inox Encampment success

After the last unsuccessful attempt at discovering what’s behind the Inox Encampment, the party went back to Gloomhaven for some rest and for Brutus to level up.

While in the city, the party managed to stop a mob from hanging a Vermling thief, gaining another Prosperity point for Gloomhaven.

On the road back to the Inox Encampment, the party, still doing their lawful deeds, helped to protect a large caravan by traveling with them. Could have attacked the caravan for more gold, but that’s not the way of the Solo Bunch.

In this attempt at the scenario, the party took a more cautious approach, pushing some of the Guards back and taking on the remaining enemies from the left flank. This time, Weaver survived long enough to take out the Elite Shaman, achieving her Battle Goal for the scenario.

The party also made a tactical choice to ignore all the other doors, focusing on getting to the cave, and trying to hang back to allow the Guards to enter the room, just so that they can achieve the goal of killing 15 enemies.

The Mystic Ally summoned by Weaver played a big part too. Luck was on its side when an attack on an Inox Archer was a critical 2x hit.

After clearing out the many Inox Guards who kept appearing out of the cave, Weaver ran towards the entrance. She managed to reveal the enemies inside but was both Immobilized and Disarmed. Meaning that she has to just stand by the entrance, blocking the way for the party to enter the cave to confront the enemies.

The party finally entered the cave but Weaver ended up being exhausted and had to leave the last 2 enemies to Tinder and Brutus. The final blow to the last Inox Shaman was a Toxic Bolt to its head.

With that, the Inox Encampment was completed... after 3.5 hours...

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