Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bruce Sterling on Singapore

One of the pioneers of Cyberpunk, Bruce Sterling, was recently in Singapore participating in the Singapore Writer's Festival. It's a pity I can't attend his talks since I'm busy preparing for a Europe business trip. Anyway, Sterling blogged about his experience in Singapore on the Wired Blogs site. It's interesting to read what he says about Singapore. It's just like Gibson's piece which called Singapore the Disneyland with Death Penalty. Frankly, his comments are not entirely negative, but does accurately reflect's the pragmatic nature of the Singapore government.
Now that I'm out of Singapore, I reckon it's safe to allege that Singapore has tidy, authoritarian, city-state machine politics. Presumably, I won't get sued for libel for saying this. I mean, it's the truth.
You know what? If Singapore had just been hit by a giant typhoon, the regime wouldn't be snivelling 
and making excuses about the hunger and looting. Eco-catastrophe and martial law would surely put the Singapore power-elite really on top of their game. They wouldn't spin their "clean-up effort". They would assign resources, put trained people on the job and actually clean up. Because they are not just a spin machine. They possess competence.

Competence doesn't seem like a big deal until you are forced to realize that your own government 
has none.
These links contain Sterling's entries on Singapore.

1 comment:

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

I am sorry to hear that you missed it. It was worth a listen. Anyway, here are my observations if you are so inclined:

Something from the papers yesterday:

A short search for books:

The talk given:

The first talk on industrial design: