Friday, September 15, 2006

Paris in pictures

Paris is a beautiful city. It's a place that I'll certainly go again if I have the opportunity. Here're some snapshots of the city:
Sacre Coeur
The Sacre Coeur church found on a hilltop in the Montmarte area.
Antique furniture St Ouen
Antique furniture found in the St Ouen market.
Assumption Day in Paris
Assumption Day in Paris. That was the day that we intended to go shopping, but found out that it was actually a public holiday. A change of plans brought us to the Cite area and we saw a procession celebrating Assumption Day, which Catholics celebrate to commemorate the the day that Mary was received into Heaven.
Notre Dame in Paris
The procession ended in Notre Dame. It was certainly interesting to witness a mass happening in Notre Dame with all the ceremony and majestic organ music.
St Germaine
The Saint Germaine church.
A visit to Paris is not complete with a visit to the Lourve. Here, we saw the Mona Lisa (had to squeeze with the crowd to get a good look at this painting) and the Venus de Milo statue.

1 comment:

Stephen Yeo said...

Paris is indeed an interesting city. Check out my experience: I think it’s Paris, but I’m not sure...