Friday, June 10, 2005

Man Yoo-Life after Glazer?

Man Yoo?

Now that Malcolm Glazer has taken over Manchester United, what is life going to be like at the Theatre of Dreams? Guardian Unlimited has asked their readers to submit their version of the re-imagined Man U badge after the take over. Some of them are pretty funny, and all of them a realisation that Man U may not be the same after the event. I guess for fans, it's a chance to laugh at ourselves, and for the Man U bashers, a chance to poke fun at our recent fortune (or perhaps misfortune).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i think that was a bit over the top but.... the glazers are ruining are club, if they were to sell the club we wud be £500million in pocket (the club is worth 1.2 billion) but of course they don't want to. out with the glazers!!!!