Monday, December 10, 2018

Temple of the Seer

After the Crypt, the party decided to refocus on the main quest of locating Jekserah. But first, some encounters before heading out to the Watcher Mountains to look for the Seer in the temple.

In Gloomhaven, the party was offered some delicacies by a Quatryl. Trying the food was a good choice, with the party gaining Bless for the upcoming adventure.

Along the way on the road to the temple, the party helped a bleeding man in armor, consuming Weaver’s supply of potion.

At the temple, the party was greeted by a bunch of Stone Golems. Taking out these giants took some time, but it was not too difficult other than having to lose some cards as it took more attacks than necessary to take them out (due to unlucky Attack Modifiers).

The second room with the Altar is more interesting, and definitely more challenging. A whole bunch of enemies were waiting when the party entered. The Bears caused huge amount of damage as well as inflicting Wound. The Living Spirits had high Shield, negating most damages done to them. And the Spitting Drakes, giving Muddle effects to anyone in range.

Facing the huge number of enemies, Weaver put on her Cloak of Invisibility, causing a choke point at the entrance to the room an allowing the rest of the party to get into better tactical position.

The battle here was tough, and Brutus had to lose some cards to negate damages. Again, Weaver came up with an epic move Riding the Wind to the back of the room to pick up a treasure chest. At the end turn, she maneuvered into position behind the enemies to cast Fire Orbs. It helped that the Bless card made an appearance, killing two Spirits and a Drake. So the donation to the Sanctuary of the Great Oak came in handy at the right time!

Eventually, only the Elite Drake was left. Brutus was hit by the Drake’s Muddle and Stun effect, so he could not land the killing blow. Luckily, the Mystic Ally came to the rescue and its attack defeated the Drake.

This scenario had a number of Muddle Traps which would be useful for Brutus to push the enemies into. But with the relentless attacks, he could not get into position to do that. And again, although having the least HP, Weaver proved to be the most effective and powerful member in the group with her AOE attacks and the Summon ability.

The scenario ended with both Weaver and Tinder gaining a level. But the loot this time round was rather meager. Well, you can’t have everything.

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