Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Gamers' Manifesto

The Pointlesswasteoftime.com site has posted a Gamers' Manifesto detailing 20 things gamers want from the next-gen consoles. It's actually pretty insightful and funny at the same time. Some of things mentioned are things that many veteran gamers would have highlighted and wanted change for a long time, such as wanting consoles to give us better A.I. and taking away jumping puzzles in FPS games. Of course, there's the most oft complaint by gamers... crates!
The crate has long been held up as a symbol of lazy game art design, a crutch that game level decorators have been falling back on for fifteen damned years. Come to think of it, have you ever actually seen one of those wooden crates in real life? And did you smash it to see if there were bullets and medicine inside?
If the next-gen consoles actually delivered on even half of the points raised, I bet I'll be a happy gamer.

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