Monday, May 09, 2005

Music-makers, say you support filesharing

Musician and artist Halsey Burgund is asking musicians to participate in the battle for filesharing.
It is imperative that we as musicians become involved in educating the public that filesharing can be beneficial to us as well as society as a whole. Thank you for your interest in spreading this important message in a way that we, as musicians, excel: communicating through music.

All I need you to do is record yourself saying the below text and send the results to me. Please note that I do not want you to say anything you are uncomfortable saying. It is very important that everything I use in this song is genuinely felt by the speaker. Otherwise, it loses its efficacy entirely.
Hope this works well for the community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out the participation to date here:

it would be fantastic to get a map locator on singapore.
thanks for helping spread this message.